Budget Travel in Thailand: How to style in Thailand with and without insolvency Travel

Thailand was my first destination outside Europe and North America. Based on the wise advice of my friends with experience in Thailand, I was sure that this vacation paradise costs are ridiculous Would have been performed. But back home, I discovered too late, too, that during my little Thailand adventure I spent in Europe is almost the same amount of money as one of my regular waves. If I only knew that careful planning of your trip to Thailand,manifests itself in a huge savings. The following list provides some solid advice that the holidays can help save significant amounts of money in Thailand novice visitor and still enjoy:

1st election season. Traveling in Thailand Islands during the low season you can save up to 25% of the cost of accommodation (up to $ 25 per bungalow per night if you choose a high level – not luxury – accommodation). Similar to many other locations around the world, are the basisseasonally adjusted and there is a substantial price fluctuations of the seasons. No less important is the fact that the climate in Thailand is very pleasant, even during the low season. temperatures' The difference between the "hot season" and "Season" is lowercase, and "rainy season" is only occasionally a little rain can do the time. So you can in Thailand unbearable lower housing, avoiding the high price of the season without sufferingCold or dealing with endless monsoon.

2nd Transport. Journey from Bangkok to an island destination in the south by train or bus instead of by plane can be up to $ 80 per trip. You can use a package when you arrive at Bangkok International Airport in the evening. In this case, money saving with the gap between the relatively expensive flight, train or bus ticket, the first night and costs ($ 40 – $ 100 per bungalow per night in high quality- Not luxury – accommodation).

3rd foods. In the Western style, the more you pay for your dinner, even better, so any decision that could benefit a personal matter, a reasonable cost -. In Thailand, particularly in the southern islands, is very simple: in most cases, cheaper and better. expensive restaurants in Thailand Islands usually specialize on Western food, the taste is neither faith nor more than aStandard Dinner costs $ 10 – $ 30 in a restaurant like this is a dinner alternative to a cheap restaurant with plastic chairs costs $ 3 – $ 8, and usually is so tasty and authentic. My most disappointing Thai dinner was served in a fancy restaurant in Bangkok at a cost of $ 120 for a pair, while my best dinner was served in a cheap family restaurant in Koh Phangan. The owner – a young mother named MAM – prepared meals for us, exactly as we wanted, it would be free of chargeus with a paltry $ 5-6 per person.

4th air conditioning. The presence of air-conditioned room can make a huge difference in the room. For example, the same rates in the locality, the same 15 $ -30 $ for a bungalow with a fan to vary $ 40 – $ 100 for a bungalow with air conditioning. Although the choice of a room with air conditioning during the warm season (eg March-April) is crucial when you visit southern Thailand during the rainy season – a bungalow with fanto meet both your needs and cut spending in more than half.

choice 5th position. similar to the principle of the world held in most places, the rates of accommodation in Thailand Islands depend on the choice of location. The bungalow in the central beach is near the airport or the port full of nightlife, probably twice as expensive in the same bungalow in a quiet secluded beach. However, accessibility is a problem in the islands of Thailand and Taxi fares and taxi boat fares operate under the same principles as the price of the bedroom. There is no rule that you can take: If you are looking for social activities and exciting nightlife, stay near the airport or port, or do a little effort and move after your arrival at a remote beach. Save up to 60% on fares in this way.

6th communication. Probably will not, shock, as a complete, but the use of mobile phones abroad> Thailand could be extremely expensive. To save on communication costs, you can buy a prepaid phone with local SIM card or use the telephone and Internet center. Mind you, that can vary the costs of these services. As usual, if you call abroad from your office station – there will be more expensive than a call center in the city. The cheapest option is probably giving your phone number to your friends and relatives abroad, since each has a call centerPhone number can be used.

7th price negotiations. In Thailand tourist attractions in the negotiations is a necessity or a way of life. Similarly, in the less touristy islands and territories agreed price negotiations as well. Try it in Thailand price negotiation – not as an embarrassing behavior, so you have nothing to lose.

Psychology 8th. Even if all that Thailand is perceived as more convenient in your homeCountry not be fooled by the seemingly low prices and control costs. Buy an enormous amount of inexpensive things can really add up to a surprisingly large sum of money.

During my recent visit to Thailand, I followed these guidelines, with perseverance and I was happy to report that the trip to Thailand can be more than just an economic problem, it can be fun. Interestingly enough, in Thailand, not – you approach the passauthentic local experience.

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One Response to “Budget Travel in Thailand: How to style in Thailand with and without insolvency Travel”

  1. If youlike to stay with style and don’t want miss somethink than is 2000 Bath enough for each day. Enjoy Thailand Traveling.