KAE-SU-LUK – the ancient art of carving
The ancient art of carving fruit and vegetables in a variety of shapes and objects in Thailand was established in 1364 Today, this tradition and pleasure of people around the world.
Eating Ning Chief Crook, think of Las Vegas, "people with their eyes. Food should always nice to the eye and the palate. E 'fascinating to see the normal fruit and vegetables such as cucumbers, carrots, peppers, cucumbers and pumpkins are changing and form. ATurnip, radish, or even an onion, can be carved into a beautiful flower or a bouquet of flowers together. These highly increase the visual effects of diet and add a "wow factor".
Pam Maneeratana, the world famous master Kaesaluk teaches originally from Bangkok, Thailand, and give demonstrations in Kae-Luk-sa in the United States over the past 20 years. As host fruitcarving.com. Pam believes vegetable carving is not difficult. It must be understood onlyConcept of the fundamental forms of carving and understand how to properly use a knife. While there are a number of instruments used for this art is, the knife is the most important. "I only use a good knife association. Good medium strong, strong and subtle. A good knife is the answer to all the cuts well. Learning to hold the knife in my hand and feel comfortable with it is the same as if you Like have learned to hold a pencil, when you learned to write. My students are encouraged to spoil their plans first. If make the students to find the perfect piece for his first attempt, they feel frustrated, and it will be difficult to get to the point of perfection. "I asked Pam to painting and sculpture at the color." I have never been my color or cut vegetable dye. It is fascinating and challenging to transform from their lineup. "
Jason Brandin head of the Las Vegas Harley-Davidson Cafe learned the art of sculpture from his grandmother. Taught him the idea "> Food looks good, "and sat down with a pumpkin and carving kit. Tardi refined his art at Le Cordon Bleu in Las Vegas, including his 3rd place prize in sculpture plants 2004 American Culinary Federation competition at the Food Show in Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas. "Fruit and vegetable carving is a marriage between art and love of food," said Chief Jason. "This started as my hobby and I learned how important it is. These elegantSupplements to improve your presentation from the food dish on the dish even more attractive, and adds value to your plate. A starter, which normally sell at $ 15.00 may be able to sell for $ 25.00 if you take a piece of ordinary food and its look like something. Have you ever been served in a restaurant, and it was a "simple" dish? It looks terrible! "
I asked him if he was carving something that might inquire. "Yes, you can also get yourself andperfect and challenge your skills with practice. There are several books and videotapes on the subject. This must be allowed to remember, is not intimidated by art. Have fun with it. Even if you need a good eye for what is being designed. Take a photo of a rose and deconstruct them, imagine how it's done and then try to reconstruct the vegetables. E 'as a motor with the exception: they have all the pieces, you must now understand how to recover it together. Practice is the best adviceI can give. A bag of potatoes, carrots and practice, practice, practice. Carving is a skill that is used for the rest of your life. This is a piece of you on a plate, a form of expression. "Then he took a button mushroom and carved a design, said:" Look how good it looks! Guests will appreciate the extra time you take. No matter how you view these sculptures, you can be sure that they are pieces of conversation. "
The relationship between food andThe decor is as important as their placement. Selected items and the model should be arranged artistically and strategically balanced each carved on the size and shape, color, texture and taste, and possibly in the design for the presentation dinner. If you use this complex art, drama and the touch of a buffet of exotic eye-catcher, or to emphasize a simple accompaniment to a display plate, Kae-Sa-Luk add elegance, style and personality fits the occasion. Theseartistic culinary creations, with their unique design that dinner the charm, talent and passion of Carver to pay tribute and reflect the rich cultural heritage of Thailand, which was created this beautiful art.
Some tips:
Easy to clean fruits and vegetables and before carving impeccable.
With a knife in stainless steel or bronze; any other type of metal will cause oxidation and lead to pressure points.
Proper storage is important if l 'Sculpture is expected that up to 2-3 days. Chef Jason proposed by the finished product in ice water in the refrigerator. "Keeping the ice sculptures, fresh and crisp, and will also help some of them to flourish. It 'also a good idea to separate them."
Pam Maneeratana wraps their creations, "re-sealable plastic" before being stored in a refrigerator.
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