Spicy Thai Food

If you love spicy food, you really must try Thai food too. Chili Thai people eat more per capita than any other country in the world! In Thailand, we love our spicy food. Many of the herbs we use for eating too spicy. These herbs with lemon basil, ginger, chili and progress.

In Thailand, many different types of chili. Depends on the dish that you cook and also on what the region in ThailandYou are the word of chilli and Thai prik. The chili, which is the standard Thai chili. It 'almost anywhere in the world. There is also the same type of chilli, which is frequently found in the southwestern United States that is available is mainly in northern Thailand. E 'served in many ways the same in the United States. Use it for pizza, sausages, eggs, and also serve as a pleasure, if you chop finely. Another of my favorites is prik kee nu, this is a greatsmall, Chile extremely hot. There is often used as a spice used for seasoning and add things like the meatballs.

Chili is also used to make your curry hot. Curry is a mixture of chilli and other ingredients to give the desired option for the type of curry. There are different types of curry, but we mainly use five types, green, red, yellow, Massaman, curry and Penang. The curry, which you use depends on it, what you use with it. Using a variety of different meat curry, which isright taste. If you're a vegetarian you are on the right side is used for the tofu curry.

For the herbs, if you've never used lemon basil in your food spicy, you miss out! Sweet Basil is to serve what most when it comes to basil. You know what the taste of basil will make you dinner. Well, if you want to taste a little 'spice, and try to add lemon basil. It seems that the basil, you usually buy, the leaves are smaller even though, as a rule. It tastes greatIn this way, eating much more rapidly. It's really good, if you combine with the weight of added flavor and more heat.

Another herb that makes ginger food is spicy. Ginger has many uses and a large variant. You can cook to make a tea, you can add a nice sheen to some of your grilled and baked fish and it does add a huge frying pan and stir. There are so many uses for ginger. I recommend fresh ginger and grind or grate it yourself. You get much more flavorThe powder that comes in jars of spices in your supermarket.

You can use in your kitchen every day to give a little 'spicy food, at any time. And if you like spicy Thai food, you'll always have these articles are, whenever you try to cook!

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