Archive for July, 2010

Food of the region in the Dominican Republic

The kitchen in the Dominican Republic is linked to food of its neighbors in Haiti, Cuba and Puerto Rico. There is also a smattering of African, Italian and Arab influences. Different cultural influences of the people of his country represented in their favorite foods.
The most popular dish of the Dominican Republic called [...]

Try the fantastic food in Brazil

Brazil is to visit many places and see amazing places, but something else is visiting Brazil in the food they have. Could not be found, known as a place with good food, but if you are going to the Brazilian traditional food is just some real.
In Brazil, food, an event that Rodizio [...]

The best opportunity to travel with children

cruise greatly benefited from the decade. The main reason is the changed mindset of people and the fact that people spend a considerable amount of money for their enjoyment and their family and fun. Holidays can be a very important part of human life and spend time with his family on a boat is [...]

political unrest in Thailand

The situation in Thailand reminds me the old saying – Be careful what you ask can only obtain it. In September 2006, Thailand has gone through a military coup. The military has asked the prime minister to resign. After the coup, the provisional government investigated the ousted Prime Minister and Minister responsible for him [...]

Unused food should be given the opportunity

In the world of food, there are many elements that use GET, and some that seem to bury the dispensation to enter. I want a moment to discuss where some of the used food unless, and so the food can be beautiful.
Before Eggplant. These strange, odd and colorful, the tomato plant is [...]